Newburgh Open Movement makes time and space for people of all walks of life to come together for playful dancing, deep listening, and mindful movement.

Together we co-create a space where diversity, creativity and relaxed playfulness reign.

The first hour of the event is a movement workshop focused on skills for mindful movement and improvisation led by Ophra Wolf of Force & Flow and guest teachers.

After the workshop from 3-5 pm the space opens up for free and open movement featuring live music with monthly guest musicians. This open time and space is for you to move, listen, or observe as you please. Open to all abilities.

Kids of all ages are welcome to the jam portion with adult supervision, the workshop at the start is suitable for adults and teenagers.

Movement and dance improvisation is about moving from the inside, in a way that feels good and organic to your body, and an Open Movement jam is a setting in which everyone is an equal part of co-creating the dance of the room.

You can come dance your heart out, and you can also just come to stretch quietly, listen, observe, draw and just enjoy the energy and focus of a room full of moving bodies. You can dance alone and you can dance with others, even your stillness is part of the dance that we’ll be co-creating.

It’s about tuning in – to your own body, to the space around you, and to the people you’re sharing it with.

The only requirement is willingness to look, listen and contribute your awareness – because it’s your awareness that’s making it all come to life.