Collaborative Creation –
Ophra Wolf, Cody Rounds, Neil Alexander.

Commissioned by Newburgh Last Saturdays
Supported by a grant from Orange County Tourism
Hosted by Newburgh Mercantile

Performed on Saturday, September 30, 2017 as part of Newburgh Open Studios and Newburgh Last Saturdays.

“A collaborative and improvisational exploration through dance, music, video and projection, of the ways we experience the city around us.”


Over the summer of 2017, myself, musician Neil Alexander and video artist Cody Rounds roamed the City of Newburgh – where poverty and crime keep turning alongside the wheels of gentrification – and engaged people on the streets in conversations about their experience of the City and how they see it changing. We recorded the interviews through audio and video and collected other images along the way.

Neil wove our interviews into a musical score, Cody wove the images into a large scale video projection, and I wove the experience into dance. Some elements were set, particularly the video, and much was improvised between Neil and I in the moment of performance.